Technological Change and Pedagogy

Thoughts on technological change and pedagogy

Technological Change and Pedagogy

It would be careless to post a direct link between technological change and pedagogy, however, trends are in evidence. It might be that as new technology developed, educators looked for ways in which to use it best and developed different teaching/learning strategies and pedagogies to incorporate it. Also people may have looked at the learning going on and tried to consider if existing theory explained it. It may also be that they are entirely unconnected!

It’s tempting to see a link, however, none of the learning theories has technology necessarily at its heart. Andy Clark’s idea of the extended mind comes closest as an idea. (Clark, A (2005) ‘Intrinsic content, active memory and the extended mind’ Analysis 65:285 pp1-11)

In terms of ethics and values there also appears to be a link between changing ideas and shifting educational theory. Ethically, things are more complex, in some ways, and also driven by markets, towards a greater individualisation, and operating from the private space. More concern about the individual as a social agent and their place within a society and the new dominance of individualism and social theories. There is a shift from seeing education from within psychology to being situated within society as well.

Change in study of economics and politics appears to be linked to the shift to postmodernism. There is less concern with grand theories and more with difference, plurality, scepticism and the role of critical theory. There is also the idea that meanings are no longer fixed. Both economic and political theory now include more environmental perspectives – was on the periphery 20 years ago and now much more central.

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